#TechnicianTuesday: NMM Tackles a 40,000-Pound Challenge with Precision and Speed

This #TechnicianTuesday, we’re spotlighting the skill and dedication of our National Mill Maintenance (NMM) team as they tackled an urgent, complex mandrel gearbox rebuild on-site for a major client. The Challenge: The NMM service department received an emergency call-out on a Tuesday for a mandrel gearbox that had not been rebuilt since the plant’s construction. […]
#TechnicianTuesday: Turbomachinery Industries Triumphs Over Turbine Troubles

This #TechnicianTuesday, we highlight the repair and teamwork of Turbomachinery Industries on an Elliott 2DYRPG-5 Turbine—a multi-stage steam turbine that presented significant challenges. The Challenge: The turbine arrived partially disassembled, removed from service due to steam leaks and wear on critical parts, affecting its efficiency. Our inspection revealed extensive steam cuts and erosion on the […]