A DIFFERENT type of acquisition strategy


Speak with our V.P. of Corporate Development, Jeff Pratt, about how our strategy grows your company and maintains YOUR culture. 

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We acquire companies that are GREAT at what they do…we don’t try to “fix” what already works.

“Too many times, companies have been acquired and a couple years later the legacy, charm, and what made that company special is gone. We seek to be different…to build upon each legacy though 3 tenets: 1. Stick to our knitting 2. Build a service culture 3. Maintain the local entrepreneurial feel.”

– Jim Richard, CEO of ISG

Why Partner With ISG

Committed Partnership

When you join the family, we are committed to helping you reach your goals.

Shared Services Support

We provide you with service capabilities that help you move the needle in your business and allow you time to focus on what truly matters.

Cross-Selling Sourcing Collab

Through our synergistic brand network, you have the ability to target a new customer base, while also having access to new equipment & services to sell.

Industrial Minds

Our leaders come from a down-to-earth industrial background and therefore that type of culture, mindset, and decision making process is paramount.

“I conducted extensive and meticulous research about ISG, thoroughly interviewing over five previous owners and presidents from ISG, as well as groups associated with Jim Richard’s past endeavors. Remarkably, each of them echoed a consistent narrative of “As advertised” with how Jim Richard companies are ran.” – Danny Morin, President at Morin Process Equipment

Accelerated Growth

Why wait to hit your goals when we can make them happen now?

10 years in 3

By providing you with the capital, equipment, facilities, and human resources, we will help you bring your 5/10-year horizon into 3/5 years.

Committed Capital

Backed by a financial partner, we have capital in place to fund whatever you've had to hold out on that will propel you forward.

Financial Security

You no longer see 100% of the risk, while using other peoples money to grow. In addition, you have a second bite opportunity.

Employee Retention & Benefits

With access to better resources and benefits, your employees can see growth opportunities they may not have had access to before.

Time re-allocation

While we help provide the shared resources for even more efficient operations, you can focus more time on growth initiatives.

“The possibilities and potential for our company have increased exponentially. We have access to opportunities we would not have had access to without the ISG network.”

– Roger Stewart, President at Soles Electric

Company Autonomy

A non-intrusive approach, that let’s you be you.

Autonomous Structure

With a decentralized approach, we want you to continue doing what you do best, manage a successful business.

Same Brand Local Service

You not only keep your brand, but we help you grow it. Your brand and loyal service legacy will never go away with ISG.

Non-Corporate Culture

While each brand has it's own culture, ISG brings the brands together through a like minded, real, and supportive environment.

Investment Criteria

$ 0 M+
$ 0 M+

Industrial Insights