ISG Supplier Code of Conduct


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Background and Context

ISG is committed to running our business in a responsible and sustainable way in alignment with leading international standards. We manage our environmental and social impacts whilst seeking to create shared value for our clients, staff and shareholders.

We believe that collaboration with our suppliers is a mutually beneficial and inclusive way to ensure responsible and sustainable business throughout our supply chain. We are committed to working with our suppliers on a journey of continuous improvement and strongly believe it can benefit us, our suppliers and all communities in which we operate.

Objectives and Scope of Our Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Supplier Code of Conduct establishes our principles, the benefits of sustainability, our rules of engagement, and what we expect from our suppliers.

We also expect our suppliers to follow these same principles in their procurement and supply chain activities, and to cascade the Code to their own suppliers.

We request all our suppliers to sign and acknowledge this Code of Conduct.

Key Principles of Our Supplier Code of Conduct

We expect our suppliers to follow these principles:

  1. Comply with all relevant laws and regulations
  2. Identify and manage risks in their business and supply chains
  3. Adopt a responsible and ethical approach to business
  4. Uphold and protect labor and human rights in their business and supply chains
  5. Manage and reduce environmental impacts in their business and supply chains

Rules of Engagement

Our intention is that suppliers will acknowledge and sign up to the Code, and work with us to identify risks, areas of improvement, and follow-up agreed actions.

We will use appropriate due diligence to verify that our suppliers are following these principles. This due diligence may include risk assessments, requests for information and documents as evidence of policies and practices, and supplier audits.  

We will also continually engage with our suppliers during the procurement lifecycle on sustainability issues and opportunities

Key Requirements of the Supplier Code of Conduct

  1. Comply with all relevant laws and regulations

Suppliers must comply in all material respects with all relevant laws and regulations related to ethical business practices, labor and human rights, and environmental protection. Any legal or compliance breaches that relate to our business with you should be notified to contact in 1 of 4 easy ways:

1. Text ISGESG to 63975

2. Go to and us the report it code ISGESG

3. Call 877-700-7020

4. Scan the QR code below:


  1. Identify and managing supply chain risks in their supply chains

Suppliers are expected to adopt a risk-based due diligence approach to their own supply chains which focuses on:

  • Identifying key suppliers based on spend, degree of criticality and influence, and potential level of ESG risks.
  • Implementing follow-up actions such as supplier assessments, requests for documentary evidence of the supplier’s policies and practices, audits of suppliers where deemed necessary, and initiating and monitoring corrective action plans.
  1. Adopt a responsible and ethical approach to business

We expect our suppliers to act ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships and to implement and enforce effective systems and controls.


Suppliers should:

  • Comply with applicable laws and rules and regulations relating to countering bribery and corruption
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
  • Have fair dealing with their suppliers
  • Have no insider trading
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Not practice discrimination in any form

We expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards of business conduct and ethics.


  1. Uphold and protect labor and human rights in their business and supply chains

Our responsibilities to protecting people extend beyond our own employees to our clients/ customers, partners and suppliers. We have a duty of care to protect people, and to flag human rights issues where we become aware.

We expect our suppliers to treat their own employees fairly through responsible employment contracts and fair labor practices, with supporting policies and practices that should include, but are not limited to:

  • Modern slavery: we have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. Modern Slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. We expect the same zero tolerance of Modern Slavery from all of our contractors, suppliers and other business partners, and we expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards and alert us of risks they have uncovered in their supply chains.
  • Child labor: we have a zero-tolerance approach to child labor. Suppliers must prevent child labor in their operations and in their supply chain, comply with all applicable child labor laws, including ensuring not to employ individuals under the legal local minimum age to work.
  • Equal opportunities and anti-discrimination: suppliers must treat all applicants and employees equally regardless of age, race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, religion, union membership, military or veteran status, marital or familial status, or any other personal characteristic that do not relate to job performance or any other factor protected by applicable law.
  • Anti-harassment and abuse: suppliers must ensure a working environment free from harassment and abuse, including freedom from harsh or inhuman treatment like verbal, psychological, physical, and sexual harassment, abuse or coercion in compliance with all applicable laws. Suppliers will treat and manage any reports of harassment and/or abuse seriously and respectfully. Suppliers must ensure that employees that make reports on these issues should not suffer retaliation and should provide them with fair, transparent and confidential procedures that result in unbiased and fair resolution.
  • Whistleblowing policy: suppliers must ensure employees, business partners, and other stakeholders have access to effective mechanisms for reporting wrongdoing or violations of the Code, ISG’s policies, or relevant legal or regulatory requirements. We will not tolerate any retaliation against whistleblowers who raise a good faith and genuine concern.
  • Occupational health and safety: suppliers must maintain safe, healthy and clean working conditions for all employees, including appropriate controls, procedures, protection from exposure to hazardous materials and appropriate personal protective equipment. Suppliers must provide training on workplace safety and emergency response and have a senior person with overall responsibility for health and safety.
  • Working hours and wages: suppliers must pay all employees fairly, meeting requirements of national minimum wage, and seek to provide decent living standards for employees and their families. Business Partners are also expected to abide by applicable laws and regulations on hours of work and rest periods.
  • IT and information security: suppliers must maintain a system in place to manage information security and privacy. The system must be commensurate to the level of risk and the sensitivity of the information that the suppliers manage, ensuring that they can safeguard ISG’s confidential information.
  1. Manage and reduce environmental impacts in their business and supply chains

We recognize the need to protect the natural environment for a sustainable future and

seek to manage and reduce the environmental impacts of what we buy and to encourage our suppliers to minimize their impacts. This means explicitly considering lifecycle resource usage, waste and emissions. In particular, our suppliers should:

  • Ensure compliance with all applicable environmental legislation.
  • Seek to purchase goods which are low impact, and use sustainably sourced materials, including recycled content where possible.
  • Ensure goods are designed to last and when possible be re-used or recycled at the end of their service life.

Code of Conduct Acknowledgement E-Signature